During the US occupation, India
had an embassy in the Afghan capital city, Kabul, but had four consulates in four
strategic locations. They established their consulates in Herat, Kandahar, Jalalabad,
and Mazar–i–Sharif purely for the purpose of intelligence gathering and helping
the occupation force to continue illegal occupation by supporting the then un-elected
and unpopular president Ashraf Ghani. India has been utilizing all four
consulates as ground-based intelligence hubs for collecting human intelligence (HUMINT)
and technological intelligence (TECINT). Once the Taliban successfully defeated
the US
and allied Western powers’ wicked intentions, the West hurriedly left, leaving
billions of dollars in munitions and aircraft. India
also had to hastily withdraw from Afghanistan, losing a few billion
dollars of investment there. Losing money while contemplating their dream
project, Akhando Bharat is a regular phenomenon for India. They lost their investments
big time in other neighboring countries as well, once people of those countries
become aware about the immoral intention of India
and the role of puppet political party in power they kick out India along
with their puppet government in power.
Last fifteen years present ruling
political party Bangladesh Awami League (BAL) are directly supported by
hegemonic India and their notorious intelligence organization, Research and
Analysis Wing (RAW). This un-elected government gradually turned chauvinistic
and brutal autocrat to remain in power. All secret contracts signed between Bangladesh and India
during BAL government are based on a single consideration: ensure BAL remain in
power and take everything you need from Bangladesh. This is a dangerous
position for the patriotic people of any country, neighbor to hegemonic
regional power India.
Popular monarchial government of the independent country Sikkim had to
turn democratic under the influence of RAW and hand over power to a political
party named Sikkim National Congress (SNC).
After denuding Sikkim from the age-old monarchial system to
democracy, Lindup Dorji surrendered national sovereignty to India via a
stage-managed referendum. Global powerful actors provided legitimacy to
Indians’ immoral act as Zionist power always remains in support of racist
Indian Hindutva hegemony. India
and Israel have successfully
established a pseudo-democratic political party in power in Bangladesh, like
that of the Sikkim National Congress (SNC). It is almost fifteen years since
BAL has taken over the control, making use of some corrupt military generals, the
way it happens in most Muslim countries. Division in national integrity has
reached its lowest ebb. The government has militarized the civil police force
and young political supporters as goons to terrorize the patriotic masses. Public
hate has reached its zenith against the government due to repressive governance.
The people of Bangladesh
equally hate India
because of their hawkish foreign policy and illegitimate support of the present
brutal autocratic regime.
At the moment, Tista River
Barrage has become a geopolitical hinge, who would invest there and dominate
the area surrounding TistaRiver. It is a critical
issue as the Indian strategic chicken neck is only few kilometers away from the
project site. To comprehend present BAL government’s relation with Indian Modi
regime is best explained in the statement of Ex BAL foreign minister Dr Momen, who
openly declared in public that China
is our economic friend and “India
is our political friend. He even went further saying relation between Indian
and Bangladesh
is so deep that it is like relation between husband and wife,” meaning Modi and
All Bangladeshis hate India for the
1. India believes
in Akhand Bharat, which states that trying to occupy all neighboring countries
is a legitimate foreign policy objective.
2.India has stopped the flow of all international
rivers that finally flow through Bangladesh
before joining the Bay of Bengal.
3. Indians’
drink cow urine and eat cow dung, they believe cow urine can solve number of
human spiritual and physical problems.
4. They
believe in killing people who eat beef.
5. They
are the most boastful and hateful religious people after Zionist Jews.
6. Indian
border security force (BSF) regularly kills Bangladeshi innocent border area
civilians. The present BAL government never protests, or produces any
diplomatic response against such ruthless killings. Our government very well
knows that they are in power due to the support of Narendra Modi and Indian
intelligence organization, Research and Analysis Wing (RAW).
7. The
BAL government of Bangladesh
deliberately avoided discussing the border killing issue. After the brutal rape,
BSF killed a thirteen years old girl named Felani and let her lifeless body
hung on the border barbed wire fence, an extremely gruesome and depressing
scenario. The whole nation was bleeding in their heart, but the BAL government
did not have any complaints about such inhuman acts by Indians.
8. Indian
Hindus hate all religions of the world, including lower cast people of their
own Hindu religion.
9. India supports every apartheid policy of Israel and their genocidal actions; they even
support Israel
by sending all kinds of munitions and trained fighters. 10. Indians
are taking all the advantages that can be taken from a slave neighboring state.
The BAL government responds with utmost sincerity only to remain in power. This
was the exact scenario of Sikkim
before it became the twenty-second state of India.
government taking huge foreign loan to invest in massive development projects
which will be exclusively for the benefit of INDIA
but the people of Bangladesh
will bear the burden of billions of dollars of additional debt. For Bangladesh, bankruptcy
is looming over the existing crippled economy.
12. India is providing all out support to Israel in conducting genocide in Palestine.
People of Bangladesh by no means want to be the twenty
third state of Muslim hater apartheid India. In last fifteen years BAl
government has appointed Hindu Bangla speaking citizens in 80%
sensitive appointments in all government sectors. Particularly, in
police, military, intelligence, Government banks and in all important
ministries those deals with finance and export and import. Total power of Bangladesh is
surreptitiously given away to Bangladeshi and Indian Hindus by present
government. Situation is like immediate before ethnic cleansing genocide in Ruanda during 1994.
After successful conduct of
genocide Zionist control UN will send peace keepers to cool down the situation
of Bangladesh
and in the process hand over the power to a regime under Indian control. We
don’t want to participate in such game set by the Zionist control UN over and
over again, the way UN have done since Second World War. People of Bangladesh, eagerly awaiting Chinese covert and
overt intervention against Indian aggression in Bangladesh backed by Zionist power.
One unbiased and independent think tank have come to a conclusion that if we
can develop a bilateral relation between China and a popular government of
Bangladesh, both can enjoy a steady growth for mutual benefit.
Looking forward, for Chinese
friends to help us achieving that. If a tiny country Maldives with a population
of about point five million can kick out India with Chinese help why not we
with 175.6 million population?
Being the smaller and weaker
neighbor we cannot hurt INDIA
with war but with tacit economic boycott, “Boycott INDIA”
slogan is heard all around Bangladesh
and even in all the countries where Bangladeshi people lives. It is getting
momentum and its impact already being noticed and talked about in most social
media platforms.
আমার লিখা এবং প্রকাশিত/প্রচারিত কোনো সংবাদ, তথ্য, ছবি, আলোকচিত্র, রেখাচিত্র, ভিডিওচিত্র, অডিও কনটেন্ট কপিরাইট আইনে পূর্বানুমতি ছাড়া ব্যবহার করা সম্পূর্ণ বে আইনি।
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