One historical reality is that
the career of a top military commander in any Third World country always walks
on a tightrope till he achieves an honorable retirement or otherwise. Today's
case study will be the situation of Bangladesh's Chief of Army Staff (CAS),
Gen Wakar. He is like tippy-toeing on a minefield under the duress of global
and regional geo-political power play in a volatile political situation. Simply
put, a Third World military commander needs to be much more intelligent, alert
and subtle than any First World commander.
First World
military career officers follow standard operating procedures (SOP) like
professionalism and all other ethical, professional and social parameters. But
in the Third World, these are often not as
crucial for the higher echelon of any career; here, meritocracy is not rated
higher than that of relation, party orientation, and tactfulness, meaning 'boss
is always right.' Bangladesh
was in total chaos prior to August 5th, 2024. The country was about to go into
life support but miraculously survived thanks to a bold decision of the present
CAS. If Lt. Gen. Mujib (dismissed) had replaced the current chief on August 4th,
2024, the world would have seen another civil war in this part of the planet. Lt.
Gen. Mujib participated in an Indian flag-raising ceremony at DhakaUniversity
along with the sitting Indian ambassador just a few months before. This Lt. Gen.
Mujib would have ideally repeated Gen. Mir Zafar's role during the battle of
Palashy on 23rd June 1757.That day in history, the people of Bengal lost their
sovereignty for 190 years; this time, we could have lost that once and for all,
like that of Sikkim or Hyderabad.
A timely decision by Gen Wakar
saved the nation; naturally, the entire onus from the side of perpetrators is
sure to be on him as his decision has finally removed them from power, thought
to be everlasting. Gen Wakar allowed us to keep our flag high and breathe free
as proud citizens of an independent nation named Bangladesh. If the situation
reverses in the future, the first victim of the present interim government will
be Gen Wakar for not going by the order of the dictator but siding with the
people's choice. All high-profile professional ex-CASs allowed Hasina to
conduct fake / dummy elections, oppressing and depriving people of fundamental
human and democratic rights for personal benefit. Let alone opposing some of
them who even provided unflinching support in her flagrant human rights
violations; Generals like Aziz or Shafiul are the latest examples.
Very few countries can claim that
they enjoy complete freedom in the present time. Under various types of
alliances and treaties, the West is very much under control by global Zionist
powerful oligarchs or deep state. Under ongoing geopolitical scenario, Western
countries, includes Australia,
Japan, and South Korea. Zionist
power controls the Muslim world via the U.S., EU, and NATO. The invisible
Zionist power tried the same for Bangladesh
via India
but failed this time due to the timely decision taken by Gen Wakar. When
American public representatives in U.S. Congress and military generals remain
under the constraint of the Zionist intelligence agency Mossad, it is natural
that some of our generals can never be out of the same kind of pressure from
the CIA or, to lesser extent, from RAW. In that scenario, Gen Wakar took a
reverse step. Patriots of all parties are expected to support Gen Wakar for his
bold and patriotic decision.
By now, it is almost transparent
to all that Bangladesh was about to join Akhanda Bharat, the way Bangladeshi
Hindu, Bangladesh Awami League (BAL), and Indian citizens with accurate and
false identities infiltrated the fabric of the public and private sectors of
Bangladesh. Massive infiltration took place, particularly in police, civil
service, military, judiciary, education, and all other important decision and
policy-making positions, to ensure gradual, complete control over the
population. India was
executing their plan professionally to take over Bangladesh the way it did with its
few other small neighboring states. They were successful in some but lost the
friendship and trust of all their neighbors. No one trusts them anymore; all
the neighbors view India
with hate and mistrust.
India needs to review their foreign
policy, considering their repeated failed attempts to control or capture their
neighboring states. Though brutal autocrat Hasina has left the country, she
fled intact, as a single piece, the members of the fallen regime should note
that. So, Gen Wakar is a major but minor enemy of BAL. In hindsight, the BNP is
also expecting a positive or at least balanced performance during the upcoming
election. So, Gen Wakar is in the most sought-after position to raise him as a
popular leader. He may be Mahathir Mohammad or Lee Kuan Yew of Bangladesh,
given the opportunity and support.
It is time for us, the people of Bangladesh, to
unite before it is too late. The Western world is developing following
democracy, but we are getting divided and disintegrating following the same
democracy. We must find the root cause: Why do young patriotic professionals
become traitors once they climb the ladder? Here, Gen Wakar has proven to be an
exception. He deserves the united support of all patriots to make our country
perceptually homogenous and robust and above all united.
As the selection of advisers
indicates that present authority probably does not have a free choice or fails
to choose quality advisors, on-air skepticism, will they be able to fulfill our
revolutionary vision and mission? Are we moving towards a goal set by hostile
intelligence services like Mossad, CIA, or RAW? Our humble submission to Gen
Wakar is to think out of the box and always look for alternatives. One of his
once-in-a-lifetime opportunities now is to strike a balance between the West
and the BRICKS. Inshallah, he will be guided by the creator for the safety and
security of two hundred million citizens of our God-forsaken country.
NOTE: The best and the latest
lesson on turning a Third World country into a First World is that we may look
at a tiny African country, Burkina
আমার লিখা এবং প্রকাশিত/প্রচারিত কোনো সংবাদ, তথ্য, ছবি, আলোকচিত্র, রেখাচিত্র, ভিডিওচিত্র, অডিও কনটেন্ট কপিরাইট আইনে পূর্বানুমতি ছাড়া ব্যবহার করা সম্পূর্ণ বে আইনি।
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