Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Imran vs Corruption In Pakistan

An irritable reality is Pakistan is a corrupt nation. Magnitude, fathom, or comparison may vary and be arguable, but the fact is, we are not honest like Japan, New Zealand, or Norway. Can we not conduct a soul search to discover why we are filthily corrupt? Or how have we been made corrupt? Is it by chance? By choice? or by design? Have we inherited this from our founding fathers’? Were they equally corrupt the way we find our political leaders these days? No, they were not corrupt, but gradually we have been made corrupt by design. If we look at most Muslim countries of the world, we have to agree with the subject claim. If we cannot diagnose who is the designer and how he has turned the Muslim community corrupt? Let alone cure; we cannot even prescribe a perfect remedy! One axiomatic medical idiom is, “Correct diagnosis is half the treatment."

The people of Pakistan dislike corruption and love honesty; the last few elections are proof. Thirteen parties jointly constituted PDM and went for the Punjab by-election. Imran Khan and his PTI won in those constituencies with a massive difference against PDM  candidates. They have found the party PTI and leader Imran Khan to regain their lost, honest Pakistan. Now the only way for local criminals and their foreign mentors (EOI) to stop Pakistan from going up is; to eliminate Imran Khan. This they have tried several times, but by His grace, they failed miserably; probably, Almighty has planned to remove the yoke of corruption from the shoulder of Pakistan.

Time is over matured for the people of Pakistan to realize that the subject of corruption' is not jargon for time-passing discussion. Eliminating it is an undeniable socio-political necessity for healthy and peaceful living in any society. 'Understanding' and 'not understanding' this concept created variations between 1st world and 3rd world. Turning an honest society into a corrupt one is a complicated and elaborate endeavor. But it becomes a cakewalk easy if a corrupt leader can be placed at the top of an honest society or country by any means (democratic election or military coup). Corrupt leadership will produce a domino effect in society and quickly turn honest traditions into rampant corruption. This is what is going on in global Muslim communities uninterrupted by the   enemy of    Islam(EOI).

Imran Khan, a world-class celebrity, suddenly decided to clear his motherland of corruption; he started his political career only 26 years back with a pristine motive of honesty. Leaving aside an extraordinary luxury life in a foreign land, he has decided to take the hardship for the cause of honesty in Pakistan. A notorious corrupt domestic cabal backed by EOI has removed Imran from power; fine enough. Still, in the process, Imran ensured that he had exposed all criminals in uniform and in civil. The cabal who jointly sucked the resources of Pakistan and dumped them in foreign countries for the last 30 years. No political party supported Imran Khan or his party PTI; all other 13 parties joined together to oppose PTI. The good news is; the people of Pakistan have realized that last 30 years, the party in power and the opposition party, being hopelessly corrupt, were playing the drama of democracy and had been looting national resources ruthlessly.

That a single honest person cannot reverse the psyche of a nation, Imran Khan is a living example. He has probably realized that man gets morally corrupt long before acting on it. Before he launched a psycho-cleansing operation to reconstitute the moral fabric of his people, he was removed from power. EOI didn’t want to give Imran more time, so they quickly coordinated a regime change operation utilizing a civil/military corrupt cabal. EOI could place Bajwa as the martial law administrator but did not do that because, via social media, anonymous keyboard warriors have done sufficient damage to his credibility and exposed his link with local corrupt political leaders and EOI.

Imran Khan needs brainwashing experts for the job he envisages for the people of Pakistan. The purpose should be to reconstitute their moral fabrics and purify their hearts and minds, which have been deliberately corrupted by EOI ideological subversion experts (click here). It is very much doable a proposal; Imran needs some lieutenants who are capable of the job.

Those interested in knowing the requirement to be a ruler/executive head of a Muslim community may click the link below for absolute clarity. The global Muslim community should watch the video and select their leader accordingly. Party allegiance is inappropriate and a misnomer when choosing a leader, as per Sharia. The democratic political system helped EOI to pick Gaddars (traitors) for Muslim communities as leaders to loot national resources relentlessly. Though you may find the 'subject head' of the video is different, it clarifies the need for honesty in Muslim society: See here.

The situation in Pakistan has almost reached a point of no return. Through corrupt government officials, Hostile Intelligence Service (HIS) has penetrated Pakistan through and through. HIS can conduct sensitive sabotage action in any city in Pakistan now. If some activities are performed in and around Pak nuclear sites, it will produce severe panic in the mind of the international body of think tanks. Continuous political unrest with no apparent solution may lead the world body to declare Pakistan a failed state. To prevent the threat of accidental nuclear proliferation, EOI may arrange to claim Pakistan as an 'ungoverned space' and strongly recommend removing Pak atomic assets to a safer country. Therefore coming back of Imran Khan to power in Pakistan is a must. Let us hope the people of Pakistan quickly understand that and can defeat EOI and their domestic cabal to protect the sovereignty of their motherland.

সোশ্যাল মিডিয়ায় শেয়ার করুনঃ


আমার লিখা এবং প্রকাশিত/প্রচারিত কোনো সংবাদ, তথ্য, ছবি, আলোকচিত্র, রেখাচিত্র, ভিডিওচিত্র, অডিও কনটেন্ট কপিরাইট আইনে পূর্বানুমতি ছাড়া ব্যবহার করা সম্পূর্ণ বে আইনি।

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