Seventeen years long aspired freedom from the brutal fascism culminated in the cowardly escape of Hasina on 5th Aug 2024. Expectedly, the country still remains under the constant real time threat from all types of covert, clandestine activities including Psychological Warfare (Psy Ops). All those threats originates singularly from our historical adversary, India, and her network collaborators embedded in every section of society across our country. Most of Bangladesh establishments are internally configured in collaboration with India in private conglomerates and in almost all government sectors. Starting from education, business, trade and commerce, media, policy directives of all government, semi government and even private sectors are indoctrinated and subsequently distorted by design. With the fall of Indian puppet Hasina regime Indian intelligence organization and their Psy warfare team immediately launched massive methodical campaign of skillfully distorted harmful analysis of fake news, misinformation, disinformation as part of their ideological subversion against our present government, led by Dr. Muhammad Yunus.
We the Bangladeshi patriotic nationals are experiencing almost every kind of dark act(Black Ops) committed by Indian professional intelligence organization since our second independence of 05 Aug 24. The list of acts is far too long but only a few will be highlighted here.
Tele-conversation of racist Hasina informing that “she is staying near the BD border area so that any time she can enter Bangladesh and take over power as she is the legitimate PM of Bangladesh. According to her, some internecine power politics has illegally pushed her out of power, and she has not resigned legally”.
Secondly, RAW’s Psy Ops team also tried to give a perception to the people of BD that once she crosses the border, millions of Bangladeshis will join her to march towards Dhaka like the pied-piper in Hamilton. This is a pure fear-mongering propaganda orchestrated by RAW. India even conducted flood Jihad out of frustration against Bangladesh. Interestingly, they did not bother to save their BAL supporters during the flood, even though they supported BAL supporters in all domestic political crises in the past.
A divided nation can never offer a solid defense against any hostile foreign or domestic rogue political party. In 1971 it was our Independence struggle but for Pakistan, they were trying to maintain their national integrity. In reality, Pakistan was psychologically divided for a long time before it got separated in 1971. This Psycho separation started slowly and gradually, using their Agents of Influence (AOI) and Agents in Place (AIP) via print and electronic media. In the present day Indian intelligence organization RAW continues to do precisely the same, making use of their AIP and AOI, the way they did before and during 1971. Pakistan did not have any clue or organized Psy Ops structure to defend or repel the undercover offensive of RAW. Our Bangladesh authority does not have the similar apparatus as yet, nor did we feel the necessity to have one. Our authorities need to fundamentally develop the tools to know that national security and diplomacy is the overt substitute for undercover intelligence and Psy Ops. Subversive and sabotage activities of RAW in Bangladesh today is exactly like the way they did before our liberation in 1971.
India has a number of print and electronic media outlets that are vital as public perception manipulation tools for both war and peacetime. Once we get defeated during peacetime, we also lose during the war. It is sheer luck that after a long seventeen years of grueling chastisement, two hundred million Bangladeshis could hold their nationality as Bangladeshi. Had there been no miracles before and on 5 Aug 24, we could have taken a different national identity like that of 71. Miracles like the violent rise of students and public sentiment against the brutal Hasina regime. The decision of the Bangladesh Army at a critical moment and finally, availability of a towering personality like Dr. Yunus to take over as the Chief Adviser.
Unfortunate part of our country is, like most of the Muslim countries of the world, we do not have any organizational setup to monitor and fight back against enemy Psy Ops offensive. That is why Pakistan had 1971; Middle East had Arab spring and military coups in different Muslim countries as recurring hiccups. Look at this link that speaks on Military coups in Muslim countries clears it all. A patriotic leader of any Muslim country will invariably fail if he does not go by the dictum of global or regional powerful state actors. According to the game plan of BAL and India, Dr. Yunus is supposed to be in jail, not in the chair of Chief Adviser.
As of now, anyone from any capacity supporting Dr Yunus is a patriot; otherwise, he is knowingly or unknowingly a traitor. Like a great fighter against the BAL regime, Asif Nazrul has changed his patriotic and candid outlook. Surreptitiously, he may be helping BAL's position, contradicting the very motto of 2024 freedom fight. Why so? People are genuinely confused. The reason is very simple, if we refer US leadership, the reason for which American senators and congressmen can never say or do anything against Israeli genocide but rather support the genocide 100%. This may be the reason why some of Dr. Yunus's advisers make decisions in favor of BAL and India. It is due to "Honey and Money.’ Here; honey means honey trapped politicians, bureaucrats, intellectuals, and defense officials at a young age. Hostile Intelligence Service (HIS) carefully spots the talents / expected future leaders and hooks them up by trapping and gradually training them to work in favor of hostile intelligence service (HIS). when these trapped persons are in a position of power or influence thy have no alternative but to work for HIS interest. Poor Asif Nazrul could be one such victim of HIS.
If someone examines Asif Nazrul's face before 5 Aug 24 and now, one will find a drastic change. The face of a patriot and the face of a traitor can never be the same. When every Bangladeshi is trembling out of hate and anger for the role India played to keep BAL in power, one adviser of Dr. Yunus decided to supply three thousand tons of Hilsha fish to India or put our outstanding freedom fighter, Mahmoodur Rahman, in the jail. Such actions are obnoxious and pathetic from the point of view of patriotic Bangladeshi. Asif Nazrul can quickly get back his lost demeanor if he can quickly execute the death sentence given by the court for OC Prodip and all killers of the Narayanganj seven murder case. The justice has promulgated the death penalty, and now execution order needs to be initiated by the concerned authority. OC Prodip killed 204 Muslims of Teknuf and exploited and raped thousands of female relatives of all those victims when they tried to rescue their innocent relatives before execution. A big question in the mind of all patriots is what could be the reason for such an abnormal delay in dispensing justice? As we all know, ‘delayed justice means denied justice.’
A single anti-state action of any adviser should be enough to lose his job instantly. We cannot fight our enemy, keeping their men inside us. There is no neutral citizen in a nation; either you are a patriot, or you are a traitor. We removed Hasina because she was not representing the people of Bangladesh; she was representing N. Modi and his country India with the help of BAL and a few traitors (AOI&AIP) in power. Blaming Bangladesh on minority issues should be squarely handled by our leaders. The extreme level of bashing and fierce lynching to kill minorities in India is known by the world. If they have so much sympathy for minorities, what are they doing with the minorities in their own country? After Zionist Israel, India is the most racist country in the world. They are not happy with whatever they are doing against own minorities they have sent volunteers and regular soldiers to participate in ongoing Zionist genocide of Palestine Muslims. Both these countries follow hateful apartheid policy in their countries.
Indian media under the BJP has earned the name “Godi media.” Indian citizens don’t believe in Godi media anymore because of their blatant lies and disinformation they propagate constantly in support of the BJP and N. Modi. We must exploit this weak area of Indian propaganda effort. A psychological offensive must be defeated by a counter-psychological offensive, as a golden saying is, ‘Offence is the best form of defense.’
How RAW Psy Ops team is constantly Brainwashing unconscious citizens of Bangladesh this post will clarify that with absolute clarity.
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