Thursday, August 1, 2024

A Global Perspective Over Bangladesh Political Unrest

One Mr Jakob Milton asked a genuine question in an American State Department interview on camera. The video of that interview is appended here at the end. Milton, after informing the ongoing horrendous genocidal scenario of Bangladesh and a similar scenario of Pakistan, asked how democracy can be restored in these countries. What role is America going to play in such an anti-democratic scenario? A question of the century, America could never answer such questions in the past, present, or will be able to answer in the future. Smart-looking state department spoke person Mathew Miller responded typically as expected. When they do not do anything against any human atrocity, they will only express concern over the issue and advise the perpetrator not to violate human rights. Such a statement of America sounds like a broken record of His Master Voice. Every time America gives such statements when they mean no action in favor of humanity. Let us analyze the pattern of American geopolitical concerns. It is a fact that Zionist oligarchs or the deep state profoundly influence American strategic and geopolitical objectives. To comprehend that, we need to synthesize a few catastrophic incidents in a few Muslim countries. West always support autocratic regime under cover of democracy or military rule in Muslim countries, it helps them to organize internecine clash in power politics for placement and replacement of Muslim country leadership. Western Power has named that a regime change operation to produce a few rock-solid examples from recent history. Autocratic leader Saddam Hossain was advised by the then, American Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to occupy Kuwait to avoid paying a few billion dollars in fuel prices; he also promised to tackle global repercussions. Whereas after the occupation of Kuwait, the West used its massive media muscle to turn Saddam into a madman and tyrant, leading a brutal regime change operation in Iraq. The West organized a global allied military force and obliterated Iraq from the face of the earth. The West conducted Arab spring operations and destroyed number of Muslim countries like ruthless serial killer. In 1971, American Secretary of State Henry Kissinger played the same game to destroy Pakistan through drunkard military Junta General Yahia Khan. Kissinger advised Gen Yahia to attack the then-innocent Muslim population of East Pakistan. He took the advice and tried to solve a political problem militarily; consequently, we know all. In 2024, brutal autocrat Hasina tried the same, taking advice from her formally declared husband, N. Modi, Prime Minister of India. The worst possible scenario that Hasina may create is a call for an emergency parliamentary session, where all her puppet parliamentary members will vote to call for the Indian army to tackle the unrest. That will be the death of Bangladeshi sovereignty like that of Sikkim now 22nd state of India. In 1971, the army that fought side by side with the people for the freedom of our country, that same army in 2024 fighting its people in favor of a brutal autocrat who will eventually surrender our hard-earned sovereignty to Modi’s India in the future. When the Zionist army killed Muslims of Palestine, Pakistan, and Bangladesh army are killing their own Muslim brothers with no qualitative difference. Such unique similarity is only possible when most politicians and professionals turn into corrupt traitors with no sense of patriotism or true faith in Islam . The army is not for the people or sovereignty but for the brutal autocratic regime like in Bangladesh. The army is for removing patriotic and honest leaders like Imran Khan and for handing over power to criminal curtails like Pakistan. What a pathetic scenario for the Muslims of this era. Since the independence of the Indo-Pak subcontinent, India has never had a military coup, but Pakistan and Bangladesh have dozens. The following two articles will make it clear why it is so: 

1. Military coup in Muslim Countries

2. Subservient Pakistan Army.

In 1991, autocrat Saddam attacked Kuwait and got Iraq destroyed. In 1971, Pakistani autocrat General Yahia attacked innocent citizens of the then East Pakistan and separated the country. In 2024, brutal autocrat Hasina attacked citizens demanding democratic rights, and the crisis was on the move. There is no other option between Hasina remaining in power and becoming the 23rd state of India or Hasina going out of power and remaining as an independent nation like Bangladesh. In the last 15 years, Hasina, with the direct support of Indian intelligence, did not use her power; she misused and abused the power while playing with the fate of 220 million people. Remaining in power at any cost is Hasina’s only objective, for if sovereignty needs to be compromised, no problem. This is a dangerous state of mind, a perilous threat to national security.

According to (Yuri Brajmenov) crisis is the third stage of taking control of a nation, after the demoralization and destabilization stages. In the last few years Hostile Intelligence Service (HIS) conducted a number of destabilization occurrences to turn one of them into a crisis, but none of them could initiate a crisis. But this time, with a verdict of the Supreme Court on 05 June 2024, they could successfully send our country into the crisis stage. Torching vehicles and other important infrastructures and blaming the opposition party is an old practice of the present illegal party (BAL) in power. This time also, they have done the same, destroying the Metrorail station, burning down the internet communication hub and other office buildings, all of which are part of political subterfuge planned by Indian intelligence (RAW) and executed by BAL supporters. Abduction and silent killing of opposition think tanks is a routine affair for RAW in their seven sister states and also in Bangladesh, they are closely supported by BAL trusted intelligence officials from organizations like DGFI, NSI, SB and DB. BAL is trying to remain in power with the help of foreign support (Indian RAW backed by Mossad, Zionist Intelligence). Patriotic resistance people should also look for the same to survive as a sovereign state in the future. (What Jacob Milton said at the State Department in protest of the attack on students!)

সোশ্যাল মিডিয়ায় শেয়ার করুনঃ


আমার লিখা এবং প্রকাশিত/প্রচারিত কোনো সংবাদ, তথ্য, ছবি, আলোকচিত্র, রেখাচিত্র, ভিডিওচিত্র, অডিও কনটেন্ট কপিরাইট আইনে পূর্বানুমতি ছাড়া ব্যবহার করা সম্পূর্ণ বে আইনি।

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